Written by shayne

VPN For digital Nomads

A revolution has spread across the western world that has transformed the way we think, the way we work, and the way we live.

Digital nomads are people who conduct their lives, and their living, with information technologies at the centre of who they are and what they do. They are a new class for whom borders are meaningless and their capacity to work is measured only in terms of their WiFi connection.

For these tech nomads, for whom freedom is at an absolute premium, a set of specific vulnerabilities arise as a consequence of their digitally itinerant lifestyle.

If you are travelling abroad often, or even just popping down to the local Starbucks to work while absorbing a caramel macchiato, you will be using a lot of open, unsecure WiFi spots. Using these locations without a VPN – especially a VPN you can rely on like VPNSecure – is, digitally speaking, taking your life into your own hands. Fraud, surveillance, identity theft, all of this is shooting fish in a barrel at these open WiFi spots where many people access the internet through the same network, making it easier for hackers to identify users most vulnerable to attack. This allows them to hack into vulnerable accounts and steal data you wouldn’t want in the hands of anyone else, let alone unsavoury individuals who intend to rob your funds, identity, or passwords. Now this is all but inevitable as a digital nomad unless you take your own protection into your own hands with a premium VPN like VPNSecure.

WiFi security is a priority for VPNSecure. When you use free WiFi at cafes and airports you become a target for eavesdroppers, wiretappers, and other cyber criminals. VPNSecure encrypts the data flowing from your computer, so no one else on the same WiFi network can view your data.

Using a VPN encrypts your online traffic so you won't be open to such malicious attacks. VPNSecure has the added feature of choosing your Cipher Strength. Depending on your requirements, you may want to encrypt your internet connection but also get the best speed available. We give you the option to choose your encryption cipher, from a low cipher of 64bits, to high encryption using AES-256. This gives you the freedom and ability to choose the type of connection you prefer.

While travelling abroad the digital nomad will face restrictions on their online freedom that they may not be used to at home. Authoritarian regimes around the world like China, and those in the Middle East, curtail their citizens freedom to access even innocuous information online. These restrictions are taken for granted in these parts of the world, but are increasingly common everywhere.

VPNSecure unblocks locked websites and content, while encrypting your web traffic and concealing your I.P. address, which is effectively your online identity. VPNSecure does not log your activity. It's none of our business. We take your privacy seriously. We do not store any logs of the websites you visit, we never will and never have. If required we will move jurisdictions to protect your privacy.

VPNSecure grants the ability to switch your I.P. Address independently, and at any time, to any one of 48 nations with multiple servers, to ensure as a digital nomad you are always protected from malicious cyber assaults, in whatever form.

Whether it's managing your finances online anywhere, protecting yourself from threats abroad, or simply protecting your privacy from organisations or individuals who have no business impinging on your freedoms online or otherwise, VPNSecure is your first and best defence. It's your freedom; it's your privacy; it's your internet, and as a digital nomad it's your life and work.

There is no group for whom the security offered by VPNSecure is more important than a digital nomad. Under the irresistible tide of change the internet has wrought on all our lives, more and more of us are becoming digital nomads. For each of us, our only protection, as one solitary individual against the massive, faceless, all-consuming internet, is a premium VPN like VPNSecure. 

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