Pornographic site ban in India Porn Site ban in India, the impact of such bans and how to recover The month of August 2015 in India was marked by a controversial action taken by the respective government. For Indian citizens, the onset of August brought a ban which was imposed by the government officials on all the pornographic sites. Soon the Centre of Internet Society also known as CIS published a list of 857 pornographic sites which the Indians no longer had access to. The Government quoted that the ban …
Working within the web development and online security industry, many clients come to me and ask: “Why do I need an SSL Certificate for my website?” With those on the other end of a website asking: “What does an SSL Certificate do when I visit a website?” Besides the fact that the cost of an SSL Certificate can be as low as only $5 per year from SSLTrust. One of the best ways I like to answer these questions is to consider the point of view of potential customers to …
All about Rule 41: The Supreme Court’s move to grant FBI limitless power to hack computers The 2015 San Bernardino attack came as a complete shock to almost all the US citizens. The terrorist attack took 14 innocent lives while seriously injuring 22. The mass shooting took placed at San Bernardino County Department of Public Health training. A continuous legal rift ensued between the Supreme Court and the Apple Inc after the attack, pertinent to unlocking the iPhone of one of the shooters. The legal battle continued for a couple …
Online data breach has been on of the biggest concerns haunting people of today. It seems as though the cyber criminals have joined hands to work towards a unique goal of digging deep into the personal details of the people who surf the web, eventually to expose them or to pry into their online wallet. With such a looming threat, it is inevitable even for a blogger to take some security factors into consideration rather than focusing solely on bringing his/her blog up. There are several blogging platforms out there …