Written by shayne

Why VPNs are Essential For Gaming

Why VPNs are Essential For Gaming

No one is more particular than gamers. They know what they want, they know precisely the peripherals they need for their latest games; if they're PC gamers they have the best graphics card, even if the bitcoin miners have jacked up the price; they play on the hardest setting and they play against the best people they can online.

But there is one essential for every gamer's toolkit that all too many gamers naively go without.


Why would a gamer need a virtual private network? Asks the sceptic. There is perhaps no group for whom a VPN is more essential. Details below.

If you play a lot of games online you use a lot of bandwidth, much more than your granny down the street who plays online solitaire once a month. But your granny is your ISPs favourite customer; she pays her bill, while barely using their service. The same cannot be said for your serious gamer.

Any kind of serious online gaming racks up data usage. For which many, if not most, ISPs will throttle you until the pips squeak. Out of nowhere you'll be constantly buffering; and therefore sorely unable to compete in online games.

The solution is of course a VPN.

A VPN passes your data through a secure server, therefore encrypting it. VPNSecure uses military grade encryption to ensure the sanctity of your information. Your ISP will not be able to distinguish gaming traffic from anything else; therefore it won't throttle it.

There is perhaps no online group more tech savvy than gamers. And not all of them are choir boys. It is not advisable to interact online with masses of individuals, especially when a good proportion of whom have tech skills that make Mr Data look like Mr Bean. You want to be anonymous when you face any faceless group online, but this crowd has bad apples like any other, and the tech skills to do serious harm if you annoy or aggravate them. You don't want someone to steal your identity, take over your finances, and your ruin life just because you're better at Fortnite than them. As ridiculous as it may sound, this happens more than you think. For security there is no more reliable VPN that VPNSecure.

A major one for gamers who like their product as fresh as humanly possible is that VPNs ensure you can play games first; before anyone else. Especially if you live in an underserved global region. Even in the age of digital distribution game release dates are staggered across the globe. This hassle of modern gamer life becomes inconsequential to the savvy VPN equipped gamer. They can simply choose the region they want their IP address to emerge from, ensuring they're on the absolute forefront of gaming fashion; accessing the latest releases at the front of the line. Do not wait again for the hottest new gaming releases. Even if it's only a matter of hours, for serious gamers; those hours can be the longest of their life.

The gamer who has everything; the consoles, the peripherals; the virtual reality headsets, living without an industry leading VPN like VPNSecure in their battle against the zombie hordes and intergalactic demons of the latest gaming epics is entering battle without your best friend. Don't leave your menu screen without the best friend a gamer ever had. VPNSecure.

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